Moment of Truth #3 - Forming your Support Team

One of the toughest things for leaders to say is “I don’t know how to do that”.

Yet, we all relate to the contestants on the TV show “Who wants to be a millionaire?” when they reach for a life line. My preferred option has always been to “phone a friend”. But how to make sure you have a friend who can help, and who answers your call?

Well, it´s about being self-aware, and building up a network that you can rely on because you have invested in the relationship upfront. Your support team needs to be varied; people who will help you with a cultural adaptation, to hone your political skills, or simply to be your cheer leaders when the chips are down. This is about you being “resourceful”. No corporate support plan can or should anticipate your needs.

Leaders struggle when they weren’t willing to reach out, because of a fear of appearing weak or not up to the job; the GM from a marketing background having sleepless nights approving new distributor contracts, or the GM from a sales background managing a regulatory function with seemingly conflicting objectives

And the biggest irony of all. When asked, most people are only too willing to help. So, who is on your list, and will they be there to help you when you need it?

Moments of Truthjames nagle