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READINESS SCORECARD - THE ELEMENTS Clarity Can you clearly articulate what needs done in the role and why are you the right person to do it? What do you want to achieve and to remembered for by the end of the assignment?
Renewal What does success look like in the role? What are the key messages that you want to communicate via your “welcome speech”
Embody What shadow do you want to project? And, if relevant, how would your team describe your style and preferences?
Calibrate Wherever you are in the transition, how are you doing (10 point scale, with 0 struggling and 10 thriving)? If not 10, what 1 thing do you need to do differently?
READINESS FOR THE MOMENTS OF TRUTH Welcome Speech What is the one thing you will do differently in your next Townhall?
Getting Answers to the key questions faster What hypothesis do you want to dis/prove?
Your first meeting with your team What one thing are you going to change to get more out of your 121 meetings?
PEER TO PEER BREAKOUT OR GROUP DISCUSSION What is the one thing you will act on post the discussion?
Reflection And as a leader of leaders, what will you change in the onboarding of your own team members?