S4. Ep 7. How I overcame the absence of a role model with Judy Makin, GM at DCC

When Judy entered the big corner office for the first time, “she felt like a 4 year old trying on her mum’s shoes”


But she is a fast learner who loves firefighting & high pressure situations.


She was clear on the the culture she wanted to create – “how can it be better and what are we going to do to get there?” Initially it felt like a lonely battle but now it has been adopted by the organisation, it feels great.


But the job is not always easy.  Looking back at her sink moments… it’s when she didn’t have enough in “the tank” to support the team or she was naïvely optimistic about what was involved in driving change through.


And her reflections on what General management is about 2 years on…

“The role is to facilitate everyone else to do a great job – it’s no longer about me”


“Every day is an unknown,,, and some of them are a lot scarier than others. The moments of greatest fear, are the times when you can make significant progress”


“So much of what I / we have achieved has simply been by being myself”


Thanks for listening, and if you think this can help a colleague, please share. 

Season 4james nagle