9. The magic of combining performance management and purpose with Beiersdorf´s Ramon A. Mirt
In this episode, I talk with Ramon A. Mirt, who leads an organisation stretching from Latin America to Australia… the long way round.
Acknowledging that he is an “insecure over-achiever”, Ramon talks about his privileged position where he is conscious of, and motivated by, his ability to touch people´s lives.
Looking back at his own career, it took him time to recognise that it´s much more about the journey than about hitting the career milestones.
He talks about the importance to take time out for reflection on who you are and who you want to be, and crucially why you want to be a leader.
As a “leader of leaders”, he talks about the need to balance driving performance and supporting the individual, and that the magic happens when you can balance performance and purpose.
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