Moment of Truth #8 - Leading your first Board Meeting
Welcome to the hot seat!
This is the most visible change when you become the leader since the company decision meeting, aka monthly board meeting, is your show.
In my research, one respondent felt that “she needed to be the energy source, whatever is going on”. Whilst this may seem admirable, it can ultimately be exhausting. A simple rule of thumb for gauging progress is “when the energy created within the team > the energy you put in.” If you find yourself working too hard or where there is no flow, then it is time to reflect.
Ultimately, the key role of the management team, with you at its head, is to make decisions which you will commit yourselves and the organisation to be accountable for. And in this first meeting, it is important not only how you make decisions but also that your team is clear on your approach.
What will your approach be?; will you ´consult and decide´, ´build consensus´, or will you be ´flexible depending on the situation´? Clearly this will evolve, but the way the new leader works with their team is critical starting with the first meeting.
From my own experience, the teams who functioned well were led by people who were comfortable with, and consistent in, their style.