Moment of Truth #6 - Getting answers to they key questions faster
Starting a new leadership role has been likened to “drinking from a fire-hose.”
There is a flood of information, opinions and facts that you need to make sense of, whilst building a whole set of new relationships. So what is your strategy for moment of truth (MOT) #6 - getting answers to the key questions quickly?
In my research on leadership transitions, the gaps between what they knew in-going vs what they learned in the role, i.e. where they learnt the most, fell into 3 main areas; 1) understanding the true levers of the business, 2), appreciating what was involved in building culture & 3) accepting that they still had self-development work to do.
Your learning plan will be an iterative process. You need to start with some hypotheses and prove or disprove them over time. Progress will be clear at the end of the transition phase, when you you outline your vision and strategy to the business.
Will you be able to answer the killer question favourite of an ex-boss, “Is that something you know, or you think you know?” Relying on your own judgement and intuition is fine, as long as you are clear that that is what you are doing.