Moment of Truth #10 - Your Performance Evaluation

The final moment of truth in any transition, MOT #10, is the one to one performance evaluation session with your boss.

In my experience, there are 3 scenarios;

1. Neither side leads

Both sides run through the motions, with the template completed but little insight. After the meeting, things continue as before.

2. The boss leads

Your boss sees this as a development opportunity, has reflected fairly on your progress and is able to distil the analysis into a few actionable insights for the future.

3. The subordinate leads/ co-leads

This is the one I recommend to my clients (if only because scenario 2 is not so common). This is in the spirit of the preceding 9 MOT´s and it is based on personal accountability and ownership. No one cares more about this transition than you!

Its a good time to revisit the 2 fundamental questions from MOT #1 1. What needs done? 2. Why am I the right person to do it? Are the issues/ opportunities that you face situational or do the problems lie within you? What is needed from your side and what support can your boss provide?

The questions are difficult and the answers may be uncomfortable, but if you want to develop, you don't want to waste this moment.

Moments of Truthjames nagle